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"Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself."
Matthew 22:37-39


CLC Kids' Vision:

CLC Kids is a place where kids learn to become like Jesus Christ though loving God, loving one another, and serving others.

Jesus is our role model, so we follow His example by praying to God, learning God's Word, and serving others.


CLC Kids' Core Values:

  • CLC Kids is Christ Centered: We exist to grow kids into fully committed followers of Jesus Christ. A fully committed follower of Jesus Christ learns the Word of God, lives the Word of God, and shares the Word of God.

  • CLC Kids is Engaging: We strive to capture the minds and hearts of kids through all five senses (and fun!).

  • CLC Kids is Accepting: We welcome all kids as they are and at whatever stage they are in of their spiritual, emotional, and physical development.

  • CLC Kids is Creative: We teach the Bible creatively, while keeping the truth intact.

  • CLC Kids is Interactive: We actively involve kids in all areas. Jesus did not sit on the sidelines and neither should our kids.

  • CLC Kids is Safe: We provide an environment that is physically and emotionally safe for all kids.


CLC Kids' Weekly Programs


Kid Zone on Sunday Mornings!

9:00 AM Service

                              Programs and Classrooms For Children in Nursery - 5th Grade


Check in begins 15 minutes prior to the start of each service. Families can check in using our IPad Stations located in the CLC Kids' registration area. If you need assistance we do have Registration Volunteers ready to assist you and answer questions.

All children attend worship in the Sanctuary with their families following check in. Children are dismissed to Kid Zone following the third worship song of the morning. Children can exit out the back Sanctuary doors or the side door to the left (look for the Kid Zone Volunteer). Parents are welcome to walk their children to their classroom.


Children in our Nursery - Preschool classrooms will be dropped off and picked up in classrooms within our Kid Zone Auditorium.

Children in K-5th Grade can be dropped of in our Kid Zone Auditorium for Large Group. Children are dismissed to Small Groups during the service and can be picked up from their classrooms. Classrooms are located both within the KZ Aud and the upstairs part of our building. See a Kid Zone volunteer if you need assistance locating your child's Small Group classroom.



Kidz Connect on Wednesday Evenings!

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                                     6: 20 PM - 7:45 PM; Family Meal Served at 5:30 PM

                                     Programs and Classrooms for Nursery - 5th Grade

                                   Kidz Connect 2024-2025 Kick Off is September 18th, 2024


Check in begins at 6:20 PM. Families can check in using our IPad stations in the CLC Kids' registration area. Following check-in children can be dropped off in their classroom or area. All Kidz Connect programs meet within the Kid Zone Auditorium.


For more information on our midweek C.O.W program and the offerings we have for all ages you can visit the C.O.W page on our church website.


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CLC Kids' Worship Team!

Our CLC Kids' Worship Team assist in leading the congregation in worship on the third Sunday of every month. Children on the CLC Kids' Worship team learn and practice motions that accompany the first worship song of the morning. This is not a performance but an expression of praise and worship through movement.

The CLC Kids' Worship Team practices on the second Sunday of every month directly following the 9:00 AM Service. A recording of the song and motions is then emailed out to parents to children can practice during the week. Beginning in September practice will take place in the Upstairs Auditorium.

If your child is interested in joining our CLC Kids' Worship team you can reach out to Harmony DeVuono for more information. Her email is


If you have questions about our weekly programs or events you can email Megan  at

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If your child has aged out of or graduated from Kid Zone, we invite you to check out our Student Ministry! CLC Students is a space for all middle school and high school students to encounter Christ and community together! 

We need you! Volunteer to be a part of the kids' ministry at the CLC!

Use the link below to volunteer and be a part of the fun! Small Group Leaders, Registration Helpers, Greeters, Nursery and Preschool Leaders... Helpers in all positions are needed.  The more volunteers we have, the more kids we can welcome.

Background Checks and Clearances  
There are three background checks that all volunteers age 18 and older need:
1. Pennsylvania Criminal Record Check. This one is quick, easy and free.  It can be done online and printed out.  Here is the link: 
2. Pennsylvania Child Abuse Clearance.  This one is also free, but is trickier to complete, it takes about 30 minutes to complete online.  You can find it here:

3. FBI Criminal Background Check. This one has a fee. You register and pay for it online, then proceed to a fingerprinting station.  is the website you need, then you will need an access code, which is 1kg6zj  (If you have been a PA resident for the past 10 consecutive years, you can be exempt from the FBI fingerprinting background check if you sign this form and return it to us: download and print the waiver here)
4. In Pennsylvania, if you work or volunteer with children, you are now a mandated reporter when it comes to reporting child abuse. Suspect Child Abuse? Call 1-800-932-0313  Free Mandated Reporter Training is available here: (training is mandatory for employees)





(610) 869-2140



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You can also send us a message by using the contact form below:

About CLC Kids
Voluntee Info
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Join us Sunday at 9AM & 10:45AM


Church Office Hours:

Monday:  8am-4pm

Tuesday:  8am-4pm

Wednesday:  8:30am-4pm

Thursday:  8am-2pm

Friday:  Office Closed

Saturday:  Office Closed


(610) 869-2140


125 Saginaw Road

New London Twp., PA. 19352

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