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We are deeply loved. 

Our Beliefs:

Christian Life Center Family is affiliated with ECO Presbyterians, a nationwide fellowship of churches who are Christ-centered, which in essence means, we believe Jesus Christ claimed to be the unique Son of God, and was declared with power to truly be the Son of God through His resurrection from the dead. Our beliefs are grounded in the unique and infallible scriptures, which are God-breathed, divinely inspired and infallible.  


The Bible is the only source for what we believe and how we are to live. Our specific beliefs are expressed in the historical creeds, both the essential absolutes of the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed, and further explained in the Heidelberg Catechism. (More from ECO on the Apostle's Creed, Nicene Creed, and Heidelberg Catechism)


Being part of ECO is an asset that links the Christian Life Center together with like-minded churches for creative and cooperative missions to express and extend the Kingdom of Christ. Being part of a larger Body links us to the wisdom, fellowship, and resources which the Holy Spirit has given to other believers, and also commits us to live out our faith in alignment with other like-minded believers who have made these very same spiritual commitments.

We Believe in...

  1. The God of the Bible as a Triune God -Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each Person equal in power and glory, existing in eternal community. 

  2. The inspiration, infallibility, and authority of the Bible as the written Word of God, the exact record God intended to give to us so that we could know, love, and follow Jesus Christ.  

  3. The infinite worth of all people being endowed with the image of God, yet because of sin, that image is imperfectly expressed, resulting in the inability to seek out or please God by their own efforts.

  4. The death of the unique Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, as an atoning sacrifice for us. We believe that there is no salvation for anyone apart from faith in him.

  5. The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave.

  6. The person and work of the Holy Spirit in drawing people to Christ, enabling them to believe on him, and strengthening them to live godly lives.

  7. The wonderful opportunity and necessity for Christians to follow Jesus Christ in personal and often costly discipleship.

  8. The church as a fellowship of spiritually re-born persons, committed to helping one another grow in their Christian lives.

  9. The importance of Christians reaching into all the world to call people to faith in Christ and helping influence their world, both near and farther away, for good.

  10. The Kingdom of God means Jesus Christ is Lord here and now over all things and people. This means in part, everything counts, everything matters, and we are part of bringing heaven down rather than escaping this world. We are Christ’s agents, seeking to bring compassion and hope to the broken, and restoration and justice to all the earth.  

  11. The return of Jesus Christ to judge all persons and to take those who have trusted him to heaven.

What it means for us: 

God is bigger, better, closer and greater than we could ever imagine.


The Bible is the only book which introduces us to the Creator and is our User’s guide for life in His creation.


We are the living self-portrait in God's art gallery made to know God and show God to others. However, our human tendency is to refuse to accept God as great or to listen to God’s book as true, and because of that we cut ourselves off from God, the Giver of life. We do not know God and cannot show God.


Jesus is God and he came to rescue us. He alone knew God, showed God and told us about God. He died to bring us back to God. God brought him back to life forever.


Through his Holy Spirit, God lives in and through us now. The Spirit makes us see our need for Jesus and how our needs are met in him. Listening to God, believing in Jesus, we are once again able to know God and ‘show and tell’ him to others.


Grace is the only way to have a relationship with God. He pursues us. We do not earn his approval.


Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to grow in our relationship with God. The key to life is not trying harder but trusting more.


Jesus is coming again. Heaven and hell are real places. Death is a beginning, not the end.

We care about the good news of Jesus Christ supremely. The gospel includes:

Events – the historical life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for our sake.


  • Explanation – our acceptance before God through Christ alone, by faith alone, through God’s grace alone, taught truthfully by the Bible alone, to God’s glory alone
  • Enticement – God’s work on our behalf in Christ is embraced by faith and repentance

  • Eternity – Christ brings us back to God, to know forgiveness, acceptance and communion with God for now and forever


We are deeply flawed, but more deeply loved.  

Or as Ray Ortlund expresses it, the gospel tells me three things: 

“I am a complete idiot. My future is incredible bright. Anyone can get in on this.”

Women in Leadership

Our Biblical approach

Women have been equal partners in ministry throughout the Bible and should be today.  By biblical conviction, We welcome women to all expressions, levels, and offices of ministry at CLC.  

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Join us Sunday at 9AM & 10:45AM


Church Office Hours:

Monday:  8am-4pm

Tuesday:  8am-4pm

Wednesday:  8:30am-4pm

Thursday:  8am-2pm

Friday:  Office Closed

Saturday:  Office Closed


(610) 869-2140


125 Saginaw Road

New London Twp., PA. 19352

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